4 Februari 2014

Unforgettable Experience In Jogjakarta

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Unforgettable Experience In Jogjakarta

            On December 20th 2013, our school held study tour to Jogjakarta. I went to school at 7 pm. Until at my school, I went to VII-1 classroom and waited my friend in that classroom. After a few minutes, my friend came to that classroom. My friend and I waited my teacher in classroom. After they came,they were checked us one by one while distributed scarf one by one each student. It made to identify easily. We waited the bus until 10 p.m. After the bus came, we went to the bus and searched seat. I sat beetwen Gandi and Brinka. After it, we prayed together. In the same time, the bus was ready to go to Sandy Restaurant. After praying, the bus started on the way. We were slept after the bus arrived in Nganjuk city. We woke up at 1.30 a.m. Because I want to urinate in the toilet at West Ngawi. After it, I slept again in the bus. I woke up after the bus arrived in the Sandy Restaurant at 4.30 am.  Before took a bath, we prayed subuh because took a bath was must queue. We were prayed subuh in the mosque at Sandy Restaurant. After prayingsubuh, I took a bath in the bathroom at Sandy Restaurant. Next, we were had breakfast at 6.15 am. After it, we continued our trip to the Borobudur Temple.

          After 30 minutes, we arrived at Borobudur Temple. Next, we walked to the top of Borobudur Temple. Before we arrived to the top, we went to around the Borobudur Temple. There were many domestic and foreign tourists. The relief in the wall of Borobudur Temple was very amazing. After we arrived in the top, we took a picture together. In the top of Borobudur Temple, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery. After it, we walked to the down and exited the Borobudur Temple. Next, we went to Borobudur museum. There were painting, statue, and another historical things. On the way back to the bus, we bought a T-Shirt for 60thousand rupiahs and I bargain 42 thousand rupiahs. The seller agreed with my bid.Next, we came back to the bus and we continued our trip to Monjali at 10.00.

          After a few minutes, the bus arrived in Monjali. Monjaliit was like a pyramid. There were 3 floors in Monjali. There were many historical things in the first floor. In the second floor, therewas diorama room and in the third floor there was echo room.After we satisfying to look around, we back to the bus and we continued our tour to Jogjakarta Palace.
          We arrived in Jogjakarta Palace at 00.30 pm. There were traditional music of middle Java, and many historical things. After it, we went to Numani Restaurant to have lunch. After having lunch, we prayed Dzuhur and Ashar together. In Numani Restaurant was raining hard. At 2 p.m. We continued our tour to Dirgantara Museum.

          After 15 minutes, we arrived to Dirgantara Museum. There were many historical fighter, historical weapons and mannequins. We saw many seller outside the area. Next, we back to school at 4 pm.

          On the way back to school, we shopped typical food of Jogjakarta in the Djava shopping center. I bought some food, one of them wasBakpia. Bakpiawas typical food of Jogjakarta with very nice taste. After it, we went to Prambanan Temple. We took a bath in the bathroom. After it, we prayed Maghrib and Isya in the mosque. Next, we went to Taman Sari Restaurant, Surakarta. Wesleptwhile waited forthe busarrived at theTaman Sari Restaurant. After 3 hours, we arrived to Taman Sari Restaurant to have dinner. After having dinner, we back to the bus and we went to school. On the way back to school, my friends were slept, but I could not slept. After the bus arrived at Barong, I sent an SMS to my brother for picked me up at the school. Next, the bus arrived at the school and I said goodbye to my teacher and my friends. After it, I went to home.

          Study tour this time was really very nice to me and this was the first time I got to the Jogjakarta city.

Thankz yang udah baca ya sob... 

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